Saturday, February 28, 2009

Book Club Update

'Angels and Demons' by Dan Brown is our pick for March, so run out, get a copy and join us on the 25th @7:00 for our next discussion. 'Slumdog' made for engaging and enthusiastic conversation.
For example, was Ram the Forrest Gump of India?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Golden Anniversary!

Congratulations Roger and Judy on 50 years!
Your family loves you and worked hard to put this together!

Elizabeth is painting again!

It does a Mother's heart good to finally, after all these years,  see her daughter begin to use her talents... please watch for more as this is just a whimsical dabble in order to create a series to compliment Anthony's new couch...

Introducing Kaitlyn Leeper!

Beautiful spring flowers from a gifted student...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Bella's Birthday!!!!

The beautiful birthday girl!

What a cake! Thank you Bella for having your party with us, we loved having you!